The French Zinedine Zidane has been reported for exerting like trainer of the Real Madrid Castilla, of Second Division B, without the degree required to trial of the director of Cenafe Schools, Miguel Galán, promoter of the complaint

"It is necessary to defend to the trainers that have the title. Any person, call as it call , has to exert with the suitable degree, recognised by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport", declared Galán to the agency EFE. According to the director of the centre, "anybody that have relation with the world of the football desconoce that Zidane is making the functions of trainer of the Real Madrid Castilla in the present season 2014/2015. It is a fact consummated that collect of usual form, such as it shows in the media and that the Real Madrid does not deny".

In the record of the Athletic party of Madrid B-Castilla of 24 August, corresponding to the first day of the championship, says that Zidane acted like second trainer, and that Santiago Sánchez did it like first trainer. "But this distribution of functions only exists on the paper. The reality is just the other way around: Zidane is exerting like first trainer of the Real Madrid Castilla, whereas the task of Mr. Sánchez reduces basically to what commonly calls put the carné, said was with all the respects for the mate of profession", commented.