Although some extrañaran that Takefusa Kubo chose fichar by the Real Madrid in the last weeks, when there was militado previously in the inferior categories of the FC Barcelona and the group culé was had to repescarlo, is possible that understand it better when they know that the club merengue launched an offer five upper times to the one of the Barcelona.

This is what ensures the newspaper 'ACE', when revealing that the perla Japanese of 18 years will earn 1,2 million net euros by season, whereas the FC Barcelona offered him purportedly a wage of 250.000 euros by course, five times less. Kubo fulfilled the past 4 June the 18 years, that is to say, the majority of age that allows him fichar by a European club without violating the regulation of the FIFA on traspasos of minors.

That was just the problem that took him out of The Farm when it was canterano Barcelona does already some years, and in the breast of the Barcelona club fit the hope that the player returned this summer of 2019, already with the 18 years fulfilled. But it can not live of hopes, and when to somebody offer him a wage five upper times to the that would win elsewhere, results logical that decide to change the plans.

The Madrilenian newspaper insists in that the FC Barcelona did not guarantee to Take Kubo have index card of the first team with Ernesto Valverde, and besides suggested him that it began playing with the filial in Second B, with a relatively modest wage for the poster mediático that has the young footballer.

The Real Madrid took advantage of the opportunity

It was then when the Real Madrid took advantage of the situation for concertar a summit with the surroundings of Kubo and launch his offer, much more tempting in the economic and also better field in the sportive, as Kubo could debut already the next season in the first team merengue if Zinedine Zidane considers it timely.

The Real Madrid so only has had to pay by the traspaso a small quantity to the Tokyo FC, in concept of the rights of training. If Kubo turns into all a star of here to little safe time that more than one, in the FC Barcelona, will throw of the pelos.