64% of the followers of Cristiano Ronaldo in Twitter are false or inactivos. Some 21 million followers of the more than 34 that has the Portuguese in the social network are not active. The account, manages it the company Polaris Sport, property of Jorge Mendes

Cristiano Ronaldo is the most been still in sportsman Twitter, and his account is the thirteenth more popular in the network -or at least this believed up to now-. Underneath only of a few like Justin Bieber or Barack Obama, the Portuguese saw by the rear-view mirror to Kaka (26º), Lebron James (34º) and Neymar (45º). The only problem is that to the Portuguese player seems that they have him pillado the trick. According to an information of the web diariogol.com, 64% of the 34 million fans that has the forward of Real Madrid are false or are inactivos. This means that of a total of 34 million followers, more than 21 would not be authentic.

The data, contributes them the skilled tool Twitter Audit, that chooses a sample of the total to obtain the results. The percentage does not involve obligatoriamente that Christian have used fraudulent methods to increase his number of followers, like the massive purchase of followers. Also they go in in 64% all those users that followed the madridista in his first movements and afterwards shelved the social network. "The most likely is that there is a part of inactivos and another part of bought", have explained daily Goal sources of the sector.

The account of the forward madridista is managed by the Portuguese company Polaris Sport, of the group Gestifute, property of Jorge Mendes. All the messages are in English and the majority answer to commercial interests of his sponsors. A much more corporate account and moved away of the near tone that use other footballers, as Gerard Hammered or Sergio Bouquets.

The process of purchase

The purchase of followers in Twitter is a very bad fact seen between the users of the community, that, however, is used by a lot of "celebrities". The prices go of the 20 euros by a package of 1.000 until the 1.800 euros for which want to purchase 250.000 fans. Besides, the portals specialised also offer the possibility to buy "retweets" or favourites.