In a letter published the past 7 March, the European Commission doubt that the operation of exchange of terrains between the Real Madrid and the City council of the Spanish city was legal. If the European Union considers that it is illegal, will stop the remodeling

As it informs "MD", the European Union could cancel the remodeling of Santiago Bernabéu in the case that it discover irregularities in the operation of exchange of terrains between the Real Madrid in The Tables and the City council of the city. As it stipulates a letter published by the EU in his Official Newspaper, the European organism doubt of the big revaluation of the terrains of The Tables in the operation, and understands that the Real Madrid could have been helped by the city council to carry out his plans to remodel the stadium Santiago Bernabéu.

In this sense, the European Commission has opened a term of a month to present observations and investigate the case, and if it discovered that the operation is illegal would stop , of course, all the process of construction of the new stadium. It would break the Article 107 of the Treaty of Operation of the European Union. All this embrollo began in 1998, when the City council and the Real Madrid pactaron an exchange in which the club yielded him 30.000 square metres of his Sportive City and received, in return, two plots, one of them in The Tables.

The City council realised, in 2003, that it could not yield these terrains to a private entity, by what it was necessary to indemnify to the Real Madrid. In this context, in 2011 the two parts signed an agreement whereby the City council paid him to the white club 19,772 million euros like debt and based in what it cost the plot, that "surprisingly" would have revalorizado 3.700% in comparison to what cost 11 years backwards.