Florentino Pérez wants to fichar at least to a big star for the Real Madrid, but the market of signings no is it to him putting at all easy. Neymar And Mbappé are dreams inalcanzables to economic level, whereas Hazard is more possible, but Chelsea is resisting . The president madridista will have to have patience for fichar to his new galactic.

The daily Ace aims that the sale of Gareth Bleat could be what the whites need for fichar to this 'crack' that so much longs for Florentino. Andl wage of Bleat is of 14 million net euros by season, the highest of the staff, and his hypothetical course would leave to the Madrid with much more margin of manoeuvre to negotiate with the players that can arrive and an extra money to be able to buy a substitute of guarantees for the Welsh.

It bleat it is earning right now almost three million euros more than Sergio Bouquets, that is on the eleven 'kilos' and is the better second paid of the entity merengue. Underneath they find the others two big white stars, Modric and Benzema, that arrive to the 10 millions to the year. The ex player of the Tottenham has a very elevated wage in comparison to the rest of footballers and his performance is not to the height right now.

It seems that it Bleat it has not been never so near to leave of the Madrid, as it is it right now. The Welsh no longer has the confidence of Florentino Pérez, does not have a big relation with Zidane and neither is excessively wanted by his mates. His course would not be very painful and would leave remarkable economic profits for the signing of one or two stars more.

The Real Madrid could have three very marked aims for this market: Pogba, Mbappé and Hazard. The Belgian would be economically viable and more with the course of Bleat, the one of the United would be more expensive and it would be necessary to do a greater effort, but the French of the PSG seems unfeasible, unless it put in rebeldía or the French club have to sell him to survive, something that does not contemplate .

It bleat never it arrived to the level that promised

The British has been a signing that has finished him going out very profitable to Florentino Pérez. It marked in the final of Glass does years against the Barça, marked a doublet against the Liverpool in the last final of the Champions League, also against the Athletic in the final of the tenth... In summary has been key in meetings very important, but always has been missing him the point of regularity and character of the big stars. This is what could do that it go of the Madrid like a big player and no like a legend.