Many are the times that have listened this of "the one who does not cry, does not suck". In the Real Madrid have very clear this concept and from principle of season, means and 'journalists' affine to the club merengue set up a campaign that ensured that the VAR favoured to the FC Barcelona and prejudiced them to them.

In the networks could see like some of them complained by played just and even arrived to baptise to the Barça like VARça. All this inside a regrettable campaign and vomitiva that was culminated with a supposed call of Florentino Pérez that, as we saw the past Sunday, can begin to have effect on the arbitration.

The problem is that this change is not to do it juster, but to favour the white interests in suspicious acts. The non-existent penalti to Casemiro in front of the Raise is one of the played more scandalous never seen and from the VOR not even urged to Churches Villanueva, the referee of the goal ghost of Messi with the balloon going in half metre.

Several means ensure that there is worry and anger in the FC Barcelona by what happened the past Sunday. The question is: And us extrañamos? Everything has very bad paints and the worst of everything is that they come the Classical. Fear gives what can arrive to suceder, since the occurred in the Ciutat of València gives place to suspicions, for saying it finamente.

In the Barça opt for perfecting the VAR

Josep Live, spokesman of the FC Barcelona, defended to the VAR, although recognising that has errors. "We are impulsores of the VAR. It is an excellent tool to help to the referees and reduce his margin of error. They exist the errors and will exist the controversy. It is normal, is football. We can not enjuiciarlo of circumstantial way. We are in favour of the VAR and is in shooting", said, in statements collected by Sportive World.

Besides, it showed adherent to improve his performance. "It is essential that the VAR was still working and perfect his operation, but his protocol does not have to review in base to a played", said, adding that "we can not guide us by an alone played. It would be very ventajista in function of this played. Our speech is: can perfect the protocol? Sure", it said.