The veganismo is an every time greater tendency in the western countries, although it continues receiving the fierce criticisms of a sector of the society that follows defending the consumption of meat at all costs. One of the most popular criticisms that is used to to do of the veganismo goes through the argument that it treats of an insufficient diet for the physically demanding works or for the sport of elite. But, as you will see immediately, these arguments do not sustain .

There are a lot of sportsmen of vegan elite all over the world that no only are able to compete to the best level, but besides they have attained to be the number 1 in his respective disciplines. If you look for some examples of vegan sportsmen, here have varied.

You want to add you to the list of vegan sportsmen?

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To which waits to give the step? The following sportsmen of vegan elite expect you!

Lewis Hamilton

The 7 times champion of the world of the Formula 1 no only is perhaps the British sportsman more famous of the actuality, but besides it is a firm activist of the vegan culture and even has his own chain of restaurants of free food of foods of animal origin: Neat Burger.

The example of Hamilton is excellent because no only shows that the veganismo does not suppose any problem to the hour to demand him to the body all the necessary to be able to compete in the sport of elite, but besides it seats a big precedent that projects the activism of constructive form by means of a business initiative, and no like simple form of protest.

Tia White

Considered one of the best surfers of the world, Tia White carries consuming a vegan diet from the 15 years, and has followed competing in the tournaments of surf more demanding in spite of carrying this diet.

The surf is one of the hardest sports for the body, since it subjects it to the powerful strengths of the swell in situations always cambiantes. Therefore the example of Tia White is a big referent for any person that have doubts on initiating or no in the veganismo. Simply, a vegan diet balanced is even healthier that a full diet of meat and other animal products!

Alex Morgan

Alex Morgan is one of the most famous footballers of the world, and no only has won the World-wide of Feminine Football but besides also is medallista of gold by the United States. PETA Conceded him an odd prize in 2019 called 'vegan celebrity more beautiful of 2019' in a movement that was tildado of unnecessarily superficial by some voices, but that served to recognise the commitment of Alex Morgan with the vegan movement.

Alex Morgan continues competing to the maximum level and has turned into all a referent no only of the vegan movement, but also of the feminism to world-wide level.

Novak Djokovic

Although we have not seen it a lot in the tennis courts during the last years because of his renunciation to vacunarse of the COVID, Novak Djokovic continues showing his excellent level tenístico whenever it steps a field, and are many the voices that consider that it would have continued being the number 1 of the ATP if it did not go by the current sanitary restrictions.

What is innegable is that it keeps in a glorious form in spite of explaining already with 35 years, and in good part this big form answers to his strict vegan diet. Lover of the animals and of the nature, Djokovic carries years pleading for the veganismo and considers that eat any product of animal origin is really harmful and sad.

Morgan Mitchell

Morgan Mitchell is a velocista Australian that has remained finalist in different world-wide juvenile and adults, so much in individual proofs as of reliefs. His athletic path has been one of the most brilliant of his country, and in good measure is due to his diet based in vegetal foods.

Morgan Mitchell decided to happen to the veganismo to the 21 years, and has kept a strictly vegan diet since. Therefore it consolidates like one of the best examples that a vegan diet and the sport of elite are not argued.