The last meetings between representatives of the FC Barcelona and the Inter of Milan have left a lot to the speculation regarding the possible operations of market that could take place between both clubs to reinforce his staff between himself. Given the interest of the Italians, one of the names on the table could be the one of Franck Kessié.

It is not a secret that the marfileño left very good feelings in his go through the Saint Siro (although dressing the T-shirt 'rossonera') and the Inter, that will carry out an important 'operation gone out' in the market estival of signings, has in his plans tackle his incorporation in spite of the interest of east in being still in the City Condal.

The formulas that argue Barça and Inter

In accordance with 'Total Football', the interistas already would have presented an offer to do with his services. This would state of the payment of 20 million fixed euros and a mount additional by concept of variables to carry to the midfield player again to the territory lombardo for enfundarse the colours of 'Il Biscione'.

However, for the Barça results more convenient to carry out an exchange between players, in spite of the needs to add income to his arks with regard to the market veraniego. East would consist in sending to Kessié to Italy and in return receive to one of the players that more headaches gave to the culés in the past Champions: Denzel Dumfries.

Conversations in course

For the moment, there is not at all clear-cut. It expects that Catalan and lombardos define which will be the operations that will be agreeing in the next months. The true is that the name of Kessié has been one of which more has sounded, by what would be one of the 'sacrificed' of Barcelona in his search for doing box and adjust his figures.