Marc Bartra has desvelado in an interview that does some months, to principle of season, had seen tempted to go out the FC Barcelona in the market of winter because of the fault of minutes. Puyol, however, "said me that it remained me, that had patience"

In an interview conceded to "El País", Marc Bartra has sincerado and has ensured that "does some months, had thought to go me, but said me that it remained me, that had patience, that would have my opportunities". Besides, it has signalled that "in the first renewal in 2011, when all the world said me that it went me and I was the only that wanted to remain me also spoke with Puyol and explained me that when they renewed him to him at the beginning always paid him less than to others, but that never said at all because it trusted yes same".

The canterano has revealed also that came under scrutiny of the Real Madrid to form part initially of the Castilla, and that offered him be "the best paid of the team" happening to earn "the triple of what earned in the Barça". He preferred to remain, and ensures that now his main aim is to struggle for being headline, although it knows which is the situation for the time being. "When it touches to play, I have to be ready". Finally, it has spoken also of his relation with Gerardo Martino. "Yes I have noticed that it concerns by me. And no only by his words, but because it has not shivered him the pulse with me".