The negotiations between the surroundings of Sergio Busquets and the FC Barcelona would be already very advanced, by what in the next days the defensive pivote will sign an improvement of agreement that will link him a year more to the club and with which will see increased his index card

As it has published the newspaper "Sport", Sergio Busquets would be to few days to sign an improvement of agreement with the FC Barcelona with which will see recompensada his good path in the staff of the first team, where already is one of the four captains. 

The one of Badia is not cuajando his best season regarding performance on the terrains of game, but even so from the breast of the entity culé would have promised him an improvement of agreement that will involve no only a year more than links to the club -until 2019-, but also an increase salarial that will situate him almost in the same stair that occupy at present Xavi, Iniesta and Gerard Hammered.

In August of 2013, the managerial board already would have engaged with Sergio Busquets to renew him the agreement and now seems that it would be near to fulfil the promise, tying to the club of definite way to a player with a behaviour modélico inside and out of the changing room, although this season have not been of the all lucky to sportive level in some parties. With the new renewal, Busquets will situate to the same scale salarial that the rest of international Spaniards and by behind the three big stars, Messi, Neymar and Luis Suárez, by this order.

To day of today, the agent of the defensive pivote culé, Josep Maria Orobitg, would be ultimando the last details of the future agreement of the footballer with Josep Maria Bartomeu and Raül Sanllehí, after it have sacked does some weeks to Andoni Zubizarreta. Busquets, one of the best defensive midfield players of the world together with Paul Pogba -although this can play in several positions-, will receive of this form the compensation to his last seasons of big performance.