To the ex Argentinian player of the Inter of Milan, Esteban Cambiasso, seems that it has not convinced him of the all the incorporation of Rafinha Alcántara to the group 'nerazzurri', in which he played during 10 years, when treating the Hispanic midfield player-Brazilian of a "acting " usual" in the FC Barcelona, where did not arrive to triumph in the first team by the competition and the injuries.

In an interview conceded to 'Sky Sports', has showed his reticencias to the cession of Rafinha to the Inter. "They are hiring to an acting of the FC Barcelona... This has to say , with Rafinha the club is bringing for the plantel to a player that is acting in the Barcelona".

"Therefore I say that, although it was arriving an interesting player, it is necessary to take into account that the Barcelona only has left him go out because it did not play, that is the truth", has insisted the ex international Argentinian and ancient player of the Real Madrid, that was a member of the Inter of Milan of 2004 to 2014, playing in the Italian group the best years of his sportive career.

Cambiasso, all a life in the Inter

It is thus that feels a special affection to the Inter and concerns by the sportive future of the entity, that from the course of José Mourinho after the achievement of the UEFA Champions League in 2010 has not raised head in Italy neither in Europe. In fact, this season seems that it is resurgiendo of his ashes when having big possibilities to classify for the next Champions League 2018-19.

Who know if, with the arrival of Rafinha Alcántara, the Inter of Milan will improve even more his provision and cuajará a big second turn in the Series To. If the injuries respect to Rafinha, is clear that the Hispanic-Brazilian can offer good afternoons of football in Milan.