Kylian Mbappé Follows without announcing which are his plans for the next season, although it does a month and half the Paris Saint-Germain filtered that the player had communicated to the club that did not have the intention to extend his stay in the Park of the Princes further of 30 June of this year. It has put the Eurocopa like the deadline to announce which is his decision.

In the beginning of the stop of selections, in the previous of the crash against Germany, Mbappé aimed that, when it was the moment hit and had something that communicate, would do it. For the moment, there is not at all on the table and is entirely concentrated in helping to the PSG to win the possible titles (Tie 1, Champions League and Coupe of France), in addition to his commitments with the French selection.

Mbappé Answers to Tchouameni

However, in spite of the prudence that has kept at all times, to one of his mates him 'escaped' which would be his destination. Aurelién Tchouameni, player of the Real Madrid, aimed recently in 'Telefoot' that "the Spaniards are conscious of the player that is Kylian, although when they see it daily will darse of the greatness of the player", in a video that was erased immediately by the stir that had generated in the social networks.

This Monday to Mbappé has touched him speak in this regard and has dribbled the statements of the midfield player madridista of the most elegant way possible. In press conference, signalled that Tchouameni was in the true: In Spain are seeing it play almost to 'daily' by the Champions League, where confronted first to the Real Sociedad, in eighth, and now to the FC Barcelona in the quarter-finals. "It spoke of me. I played against the Real Sociedad and go to play against the Barça. They go me to see more in Spain, to this referred ", said, without more.

The Real Madrid, next destination of Mbappé?

The footballer will expect, except twist of guion, to that it finish the season to announce which are his plans of face to the next season. They are many the rumours that suggest that it will land in the Real Madrid from this summer. Although there is not an agreement signed, the contacts between both parts are constant and Florentino Pérez trusts that it will be able to fulfil the dream that has, from 2017, that Mbappé lead the forward of the group merengue.