This week has begun with the bombazo that Marcus Thuram has decided not renewing his agreement with the Borussia Mönchengladbach, which finalises the next 30 June. The international with France is smart to give an important jump in his career and already the German club gives him by stray, as it has confirmed the sportive director.

In statements to 'SPORT1', Roland Virkus has confessed that "has decided to renounce to Marcus Thuram. We have to accept it, there are clubs much bigger interested where Marcus could go" and, on that will leave totally free, stood out that "nor is at all positive for the club that the players leave us without that we take him out profit and can not neither gild the pill".

Like this then , it has begun of official way the career by Thuram. The FC Barcelona would be the better team positioned for his traspaso in this summer, by the past of his father, Lilian Thuram, the one who was a member of the rows of the club between 2006 and 2008, and has confessed in some opportunity that would love him that Marcus dressed sometime the T-shirt of the picture culé; a factor that 'would support' the candidature of the club in case that they go in to the 'bidding' by his traspaso free.

However, according to a recent information of the newspaper 'SPORT', there are three teams that also are interested in his incorporation: Bayern of Munich, Inter of Milan and Athletic of Madrid. The Italian picture, in fact, already tried him fichar two years ago and finish decanting by Correa. In this summer, could go back to try his incorporation.

More options for Thuram

The Athletic also contacted him during the summer, by what would not surprise that they went back to add to the 'bidding', whereas the Bayern has showed interest, but everything will depend on what want the footballer. The next weeks, without place to doubts, will be keys to have an idea of what can offer him the clubs.