The flamante signing of the FC Barcelona for the next five seasons, Burn Turan, has been presented to the big this Friday in the Camp Nou and has pronounced his first words like Barcelona player. In two days, besides, has sold already 24.000 T-shirts

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As they have published diverse Turkish means basing in sources purportedly official like the FC Barcelona and the mark "Nike", in an information collected by "MD", apparently Burn Turan already would have sold 24.000 T-shirts in only two days like Barcelona player and although it still does not have dorsal definite for the next season, something that will have to pactar with the rest of his mates and with the club to take a decision in the weeks to come.

Between the Tuesday in the afternoon and the Thursday in the afternoon, however, in Turkey already would have thrown smoke the sales of T-shirts of Burn Turan with the first equipación of the FC Barcelona. The Turkish means ensure that 62% of said shopping would have made through Internet, but surprise the data taking into account that the Turkish player still does not have dorsal.

This yes, what is clear is that it treats of one of the public characters more famous of all Turkey. It suffices with signalling that the three big clubs of Turquia, Fenerbahçe, Besiktas and Galatasaray, invoice around the 300.000-350.000 T-shirts sold by season. In two days, Burn Turan already approaches to 10% of said numbers.