The representative of Robert Lewandowski, Cezary Kucharski, took advantage of does a month and half the big exhibition of the forward of the Bayern Munich against the Wolfsburgo, to the that attained to mark five goals in nine minutes, to leave clear that has plans "of future" for the player

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In statements carried out during an interview conceded to the Polish television 'TVN24', the agent of Robert Lewandowski, Cezary Kucharski, wanted to take advantage of does a month and half the big tug mediático of his represented after the recital of football that gave marking five goals in nine minutes to the Wolfsburgo in the Bundesliga, clearly with the aim to put him in the market of face to a future no too far. "Have in my mind a plan for the future of Lewandowski", limited to ensure the representative of the Polish forward of the Bayern Munich, that is indisputable headline to the orders of Pep Guardiola and has agreement besides until June of 2019.

"Manchester? There always it rains. Barcelona or Madrid? They are places very pleasant, in Spain is the best environment to play to the football", commented Kucharski, that not to generate so much controversy diverted the attention elogiando also the quality of life of Munich. "Munich is a very beautiful city and a big place to live", said.

To day of today Lewandowski is to all the effects player of the Bayern Munich, but the situation could change next summer in the case that it arrive some offer desorbitada and irrechazable by the Bayern. In any case, the Real Madrid already has to Benzema and the Barcelona to Luis Suárez, by what the position that occupies the Pole in the centre of the attack is perfectly covered by which in theory are at present the two better clubs of Europe and of the world.

Lewandowski, to the trail of Messi and Cristiano

To his 27 years, Lewandowski has begun the current season 2015-16 like a shot having transformed already 24 goals -18 with the Bayern Munich and 6 more with Poland- in 21 meetings contested, only with Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo having marked more targets that the Polish star in this year 2015, 45 both by the 42 of the forward of the Bayern Munich.