The fashionable player in the World-wide of Brazil 2014, James Rodríguez, ensured after marking the two goals of Colombia in eighth against Uruguay (2-0) that "it would be a dream play in Spain". Minutes later, however, showed preferences by the Madrid

In statements conceded to "Goal Television" in mixed zone after the "partidazo" that completed against Uruguay with a work of art from out of the area and a second so much that confirmed the pass of Colombia to chambers, James Rodríguez was asked after if it would like him play in the Spanish League in the forward of two of the best teams of the world, the FC Barcelona and the Real Madrid. The current ariete of the Monaco, that him fichó the past summer of the Port wine in return of 45 million euros, did not have any objection in answering the committed question. "Spain is one of the most important leagues and ojalá play there. It would be a dream play in Spain", ensured to his 22 years.

Few minutes afterwards, however, showed clearly his preferences to "Chain COPE". "It likes me more the Real Madrid that the Barcelona", signalled. In relation to the meeting of eighth against Uruguay, did not hide his satisfaction to personal level and community. "I am happy because first we win and because we attain happening of round. There is not notion of out because we are here inside. Perhaps when it go out and it finish all this can have notion. But now I am happy and treat to mark in each game as if it was the last". Colombia has presented already his candidature to win the World-wide of Brazil 2014 after having attained 4 victories in his 4 first parties. Now, they will have to confront against the "canarinha" in chambers.

The Real Madrid has the eyes put in Falcao

Radamel Falcao Wants to change of airs this summer and already would have given instructions to his agent, the Portuguese Jorge Mendes, so that it negotiate his exit of the Monaco. The Colombian forward, of 28 years, has agreement with the French team until 2018 and his clause of rescission is of 60 million euros. According to the last informations, the ex forward of the Athletic has on the table offer of Chelsea, that finally has decided by Diego Coast, Manchester City, Tottenham, Real Madrid and Liverpool, that in the last days would have interested by the situation of the player in case finally the Uruguayan Luis Suárez decides to abandon "Anfield Road". 

The signing of the awake Colombian a lot of doubts between the interested by fault of the grave injury that suffered and of which in principle is totally recovered. Falcao Broke the ligament crossed previous of his left knee on 22 January 2014 and has lost almost all the season with the Monaco -has played 16 parties and has marked 9 goals- and the World-wide of Brazil.

Carlos Domínguez