The attacker youngster of the Juventus pretended by the FC Barcelona, Paulo Dybala, is a big follower of the Barcelona group by the fact that there it plays his big idol, Leo Messi, with the one who has not hid never that it would love him share team in a future

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In some brief statements conceded to "Tuttosport" does some months and that coparon part of the cover in said half, Leo Messi showed the admiration and expectations that has deposited to one of the young perlas Argentinian that has the albiceleste in his forward, Paulo Dybala, of the one who ensured that in the next years will be a player to take into account in the international panorama. Together with Luciano Vietto and Ángel Correa, Dybala is one of the leading youngsters Argentinians that more has progressed in the two last years in one of the main European leagues.

In fact, his big performances during the past season with the Palermo allowed him be object of wish of the Juventus of Turín, where plays at present after having adapted already of the all to the discipline of Massimiliano Allegri. The case is that Leo Messi admires the virtues that has Paulo Dybala and ensures that said qualities will turn him into a big player.

"Paulo has big qualities, the future is yours", went the message of Messi to Dybala in the interview. The young player cordobés, on the other hand, had regretted days before the no-presence of "The Flea" in the two commitments of this week and average with the selection of Argentina by fault of the injury that suffered against the UD The Palms. "I am very happy. But it had loved me have shared plantel with Messi", complained the player bianconero.

It was present in the Classical of the Camp Nou

As it published Paulo Dybala through his account of Instagram in April, the attacker youngster Argentinian of the Palermo was one of the characters illustrate that they occupied the terracings of the Camp Nou to witness in direct the Classical between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid, a party that he same could contest in the next seasons as long as it achieve to close next summer his possible signing by the Barça, club interested in his services.

Dybala Was encouraging to the Barça and especially to Leo Messi, his idol, with the one who would love him share changing room if it gave the opportunity. In spite of everything, the Juventus of Turín no traspasaría to Dybala by less than 40 million euros, scandalous figures for a footballer of 22 years that, in spite of being one of the maxima goleadores of the Series To, still has not won any title. To the equal that the FC Barcelona, Real Madrid Manchester United and Arsenal also follow closely the performances of Dybala in Italy and is foreseen that they can bid by his signing.