The trainer of the Sao Paulo, Muricy Ramalho, has ensured in an interview that Douglas Pereira will have a period of short adaptation in the FC Barcelona, although it has stood out that the Brazilian player still has not signed and that the agreement still is not official

In statements conceded to "RAC1", Muricy Ramalho has showed sure that Douglas Pereira will fit to perfection in the gear of game of the FC Barcelona, and that therefore his period of adaptation will be relatively short. "All the players need a period of adaptation. The Brazilians to the barça adapt faster, thanks to the football that practise the Barcelona. The Brazilians always do it well in the Barça. Douglas will have a period of short adaptation", has signalled. Besides, it has defined the characteristics of the footballer of 24 years. "It is a very fast side, attacks a lot, has a lot of physical strength, is a good athlete, good professional and young".

"If the Barcelona the index card, will go him well. It is a player that goes to forward. It is very offensive and has a lot of speed. By the game of the Barcelona think that is ideal". However, it ensures that the agreement between Barça and Sao Paulo still is not official. "What comments by here in Brazil is that it goes to Barcelona, but still has not signed. Already we have to another player in case Douglas goes . All the trainers of Douglas to the Sao Paulo have had it like absolute headline".

"It is an important player for us. But the fans sometimes has another preference. Since the Barça has interested in Douglas, now a lot of clubs also have done it". Finally, it has highlighted that if it plays in the FC Barcelona, from now the player will have a lot of more possibilities to attend to the selection of Brazil. "Douglas has not been international because it is very young. If it goes to the Barça, will arrive to the safe Brazilian selection".

Carlos Domínguez