Paul Pogba​​ could be one of the big gifts that offer the market of signings​ of the summer of 2022. The midfield player finishes agreement with the Manchester United to final of season and seems had to leave the Premier League. The French carries giving long to his renewal from does a pair of years and comments that it has decided to leave. If this confirms , from 1 January any club will be able to negotiate with him his arrival free for 1 July.

However, in the picture 'network devil' do not throw the towel and seems that they will follow trying retain to the mediocampista to the end. Mino Raiola Has informed that it will not take a decision until April, by what the English have still quite margin to convince him. The problem is that as they go happening the days the one of Lagny-south-Marne goes to moving away more and more of the United because of several reasons.

According to the newspaper 'ACE', the climate of tension that lives in the British picture facilitates the presumable course of Pogba and also approaches to the Real Madrid. The whites follow him with attention for many years and in 2022 will have the best opportunity that have had never for ficharle. It comments that the player wants to play in Santiago Bernabéu and that will prioritise this offer to others that arrive him, by what the greater obstacle could be the ones of Manchester.

Luckily, according to the information of the mentioned Madrilenian newspaper, all what is happening in the United, that comes of one of the worst defeats of his history against the Liverpool (0-5), does that the course of the French was simpler. Besides, the relation between Ole-Gunnar Solskjaer goes from bad to worse and this also causes that the half see with better eyes go that remain.

The Norwegian trainer carries two parties followed leaving to the Frenchman in the bench to put a double pivote with Fred and McTominay, that give him more solidity to the team. Of this form, looks for to centre more to Cristiano Ronaldo as '9' and to Bruno Fernandes like mediapunta. Those are the players that looks for to improve and for this has renounced to Paul, that is not taking at all well his secondary paper.

Pogba Is mentally out of the United

Against the Liverpool, for example, Pogba went out in the rest with 0-4 and only lasted 15 minutes in the field. It lost the ball that meant the 0-5 and no a lot afterwards went to the street after a violent entrance on Keita. Mentally it sees him out of the United and this only could change if Solskajer retells with him and reconduce his situation and the one of all the team. In contrary case, the Madrid will have free road to be able to close his longed for signing sooner that late.