The decision of the TAS to keep valid the sanction of the FIFA to the FC Barcelona causes that varied of the nine canteranos affected by the punishment and that will not be able to play official parties during a lot of years, as Takefusa Kubo, finish leaving the club

"MD" has informed of the complicated situation in which they find now the nine canteranos affected directly by the sanction of the FIFA, some of the which could finish abandoning the FC Barcelona to the not being able to play official parties in the categories of the Barcelona club until they fulfil the 18 years when in the varied actuality of them have 13 or 14 years. 

The most worrisome case is the one of the Japanese Takefusa Kubo (13 years), that already carries a year and half without being able to compete and conforming only with the trainings. It will not be able to play until June of 2019, and so much the young footballer like his family would be posing seriously the possibility to go to another big club of Europe in which himself can contest parties and official tournaments.

The true is that the players that find in the situation of Kubo have all the right to leave , but this will do that the Barça lose to some diamonds in the rough that it had to achieve lidiando with some of the best clubs. Between the most complicated cases finds also the one of Kais Ruiz (12 years), that could not play until August of 2018. 

Regarding the rest of young footballers affected, Ben Lederman (14 years) will not be able to play as non-EU until May of 2018, the Cameroonian Patrick Sousia (16 years) until 2017, Jang Gyeolhee until April of 2016, Seung-Ho Paik until 17 March 2015 and Lee Seung Woo until 2016. Regarding the French Theo Chendri and to Bobby Adekanye, the first already can play when having surpassed the 16 years and the second finds yielded to the PSV during a season and when it return already will have the 16 necessary years to be able to play with the Barça.