The Juventus of Turín and Paul Pogba are very calm on the situation of the French midfield player. This does not want to move of Turín, at least this season, where expects to go back to struggle by the UEFA Champions League in the team that bet by him from very young when it was cataloged like problematic. Thus, the agent of the footballer has begun to "play" with the Real Madrid.

According to "Sky Sports Italy", Mino Raiola would have gathered with the right hand of Florentino Pérez, José Ángel Sánchez, to treat the wage that would earn the footballer in case that they arrived to an agreement with the club bianconero. And in this meeting ones went out to clean guffaw and other malhumorados. Then , seemingly, Raiola asked a wage desorbitado sabedor that the white group will not be able to pay it.

The agent asked for the French thirteen clean millions by season, planting with them to Paul like the second better player paid of the Real Madrid by behind the seventeen "net" kilos of Cristiano Ronaldo but by in front of the eleven million Gareth Bleat. And it did not go down of the burra by a lot that Sánchez asked him, with an offer of eight millions by station.

It does not seem that the Madrid go to achieve this time go out with his, as although the predisposition of the footballer is for now almost invalid, the one of his club is still worse. The Juve has thought to ask him 200 million euros to the Real Madrid if it wants to have the services of the international French for the next 2016-2017. Without need of the money, there will be possible negotiation neither at all that it approximate to these 100 million those that speak from the capital of the Españas.