As the majority of footballers that attend to the World-wide of Russia, Neymar wanted to have his future resolved before concentrating with Brazil, and after months of speculations, left them to a side collecting the hand that tended him the PSG. Until it go back the season of clubs, the one of Sao Paulo will happen a summer something calmer depués to having confirmed that it will not move of Paris, although beaux do not are missing him and already have planted him a new destination.

In this occasion the suspicions have arisen of an interview conceded by the ex of the FC Barcelona to 'ESPN Brazil', in which it has reviewed several subjects of actuality and has thought on diverse questions futbolísticas. In one of the questions, the attacker has valued to a trainer with which would like him work, and his statements have given place to more rumours.

"Always I had you win to work with Pep Guardiola. He is different. I arrived a year afterwards that he went . Have many win to work with him", has confessed, opening a world of possibilities for a future coincidence in his careers in a group still for concretising. There are two stages that seem more feasible.

Neymar And Guardiola, together in England... Or in Brazil

The first of them would be that the Brazilian fichara by the Manchester City, that precisely finds looking for an extreme to reinforce his staff. Guardiola, besides, renewed recently with the English, although there are some barriers that invite to think that they will not see soon the faces in the Etihad Stadium, at least like mates.

The Catalan warned does not do a lot that the 'citizens' pretend to recess the cost in signings, and besides the PSG does not want to free to a player by which paid 200 million euros and is had to ask near of 400. The money never has been a problem for the 'sky blues', but for the moment has closed the tap although an aim like east was really promising.

Another of the alternative would be that the one of Santpedor put to the controls of the selection of Brazil, an option that has stirred in some occasions by the marked offensive style that likes him print to his teams. This, for the time being, seems nearer, although in a so crazy world like the one of the football, there is not at all that it can descartar.