Robert Lewandowski has been one of the 'protagonists' of the actuality of the FC Barcelona, by a lot of reasons. It has turned off, of some way, the crisis by his irregularity of face to the rival goal, but have been a lot of the rumours on a possible exit when it finish the season. His agreement wins in the summer of 2026 and the culés would not put a lot of resistance in case that it arrive an important offer.

The big 'problem' of the Barça with Lewandowski is his agreement. When it landed in the City Condal accessed to earn a lower wage of the that had in the Bayern of Munich, but with the 'condition' that it would go in promotion in each season. This year it surpasses the 20 million euros and in the next course will be more. The culés expect that his performance justify the investment, but also are conscious that his bajón since it returned of the World-wide of Qatar.

Lewandowski Speaks openly of his future

The born player in Warsaw, however, has very clear his future. Since it landed in Barcelona, in the summer of 2022, always has left clear that his intention is to be a lot of years in the city, because so much he like his family are very to taste. Recently it has offered some statements to the newspaper 'SPORT' in which it has gone back it to reaffirm and stood out that his intention is to inaugurate the new Camp Nou.

Questioned by the possibility to be in the new feudo, whose works would have to allow that the Barça go back in November of this year, Lewandowski has ensured that: "Yes, clear, is one of the aims, play again in the Camp Nou",adding that "it is a magic stadium, a magic field, and yes, clear that I want to play here", giving by resolved the debate -eternal- on his continuity further of 30 June of this year and puntualizando that "Have to expect still ten months, create", and that "this expect, be here almost to final of year and can play with all the people and this big environment".

Lewandowski Reaffirms his will to be still in the Barça

'Lewy' Has left clear that his will is to continue dressing the T-shirt of the Barça and that is in moment in which all is in order, by what does not pose the possibility of a change of airs, to average neither on a long-term basis: "I seat Me very well in the city, my family also, are very happy and happy. It could be I only content with my things in the club, but is that the rest is well also", sentenced.