Still there are a lot of tensions that resolve between FC Barcelona and Athletic of Madrid, but the signing of Antoine Griezmann is hotter that never. After the triumph in the Europe League the player has some days for reflexionar, and in brief will announce if it leaves to the Camp Nou or remains in Wanda Metropolitan. By offers will not be.

If the Catalans already have it all planned for a likely landing in the City Condal, in the capital do not want to remain short, and have put him to the forward a tremenda proposed on the table. The intention is to convince him that the bet is firm so much sportive as economically, and are had to an effort to show that they go seriously.

The torero Miguel Abellán, that assisted in quality of invited to the official food of the directive in the previous of the final of the Europe League, has confirmed in Radius Marks that the directors 'colchoneros' commented some details on the negotiations, and has given a scoop that already has turned into news. It is not for less.

"Me enteré of the offer that has put him the Athletic of Madrid to Griezmann on the table. On the 25 million net euros", has revealed, situating to the of Macon between the best paid of the world, something far of Leo Messi and Neymar but for the moment above a Christian Ronaldo that it also wants a review of his emolumentos.

The Barça does not want problems with the Athletic

Waiting for that Antoine Griezmann confirm which is his election of future, what is clear is that the Barça pretends limar asperezas with the Athletic, that has loomed with breaking relations by the contacts of the Barcelona with his star along the season. There have been several very serious warnings, being the one of Miguel Ángel Gil Marín the more airada.

This will would go through to approach postures if the player puts of his side looking for an agreement for his traspaso, avoiding a payment of clause that would be much less conciliatory. They remain some days so that there are official answers, and all the parts contemplate several stages. It will be necessary to expect.