Andoni Zubizarreta Has reviewed the Barcelona actuality while it travelled to Brazil to see the final of the World-wide. Zubi Has spoken of the last signing, Luis Suárez, and has ensured that the Uruguayan player has learnt a lot of his error and that expects that it serve him for the future

Hours before the final of Maracaná, the sportive director of the Barça Andoni Zubizarreta has travelled to Brazil to see the final of the World-wide between Germany and Argentina, where expects "to witness an exciting party, with two different styles, with enormous players in the terrain of able game of desequilibrar in collective or individual actions". And regarding Messi, Zubi has ensured that "it will show us these gestures futbolísticos exceptional that characterise it".

The ex goalkeeper has spoken of the two unexpectedly disappointing selections, Spain and Brazil, standing out that the result of the first party of Spain marked him negatively and that Brazil, without Neymar, lost his capacity of disequilibrium in attack. Instead, only it has had words of praise to describe the performances of Rakitic and Claudio Bravo in the World-wide, whereas it also has recognised the error of Luis Suárez and wait that learn and serve him for the future.

The forecasts on the next season are clear for Zubizarreta. "In the FC Barcelona want to keep us in our parameters of the football from the ball, of the offensive football, of the brave game, intense, swift. And want to do it from the daily work, fixing us in the big but also in the small details, being a team of big tactical variety, being a team that wants to be leading in each party and in each competition", concluded the sportive director.