The FC Barcelona already is deleted of the UEFA Champions League 2016-17, and is thus that now big part of the fans culés have like wish that was not the Real Madrid the attendant to heave again to the sky the maximum European title, that would be the consecutive second after the League of Champions harvested the past season in the final against the Athletic.

"Man, ojalá the Juventus of Turín conquer the Champions League"

One of the big legends of the FC Barcelona, the Bulgarian Hristo Stoichkov, has carried out in the last hours some statements in which it has left clear his preferences in relation to the champion of the Champions League, expecting that it was not the Real Madrid.

"Man, ojalá win the Juventus. There is not another remedy...", it answered in an interview conceded to the program "Què t'hi jugues" of the Chain BE. It thinks, besides, that the Athletic of Madrid still has some possibility to delete to the Real Madrid in semifinals.

The Athletic still does not have it all stray

"Everything is possible in the life. Losing 4-0 against the PSG, 99,9% thought that the Barça would not trace back and looks what happened. In the football, two and two are not four". This yes, recognises that the Real Madrid "has a very big advantage. To see if the Cholo can raise to the team. The Athletic has win of revancha", expects the Bulgarian.

Everything is possible, but if the FC Barcelona did not achieve to trace back a 3-0 adverse against the Juventus of Turín, with the presence in the flank of attack of the "MSN", will be complicated that an Athletic with fewer offensive resources attain the gesta in front of the Real Madrid. We will see, although it fits to remember that the Real Madrid won 3-0 two years ago in the gone of semifinals to the Borussia Dortmund, and afterwards happened them canutas in the turn.