Jules Koundé en la rueda de prensa previa al duelo entre el PSG y el FC Barcelona en la UEFA Champions League


Koundé 'Surrender' to Mbappé and Dembélé and desvela how will try for to Kylian the Barça

Published:9/04/2024 - 18:47h

Updated:10/04/2024 - 01:24h

Jules Koundé showed opened to tackle several subjects related with the commitment between Paris Saint-Germain and the FC Barcelona, centring mainly in one of the figures of the contrary picture, Kylian Mbappé. Nevertheless, also it did some comments on the improvement of the group culé

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Jules Koundé was one of which took the word during the previous press conference to the clash between Paris Saint-Germain and the FC Barcelona in the Park of the Princes, programmed for next Wednesday 10 April (21:00 h / Movistar League of Champions). During his intervention, the defender took advantage of the opportunity to tackle diverse subjects.

The duel of the FC Barcelona against Kylian Mbappé

The exjugador of the Seville took advantage of for elogiar the sportive level of Kylian Mbappé, the star of the combined Parisian. This yes, without 'wet' on the plan that can be fraguando Xavi Hernández to detain it. "We will see what decides the míster, know it well because we play together in France, is a player that marks the differences. We will try to stop it, especially to collective level is much more that an alone player", commented.

In this order of ideas, the defender Frenchman erigió to 'The Turtle' and exfutbolista of the FC Barcelona, Ousmane Dembélé, like the main arguments in offensive matter for the square of Luis Enrique. "They are big players, that have capacity to delete a lot of opponents. So much Ousmane like Mbappé are differential", limited.

The 'subidón' in the sportive level of the Barcelona cast

Speaking of the Barcelona club, Koundé did not doubt in leaving in clear how the recent mejoría of the club to defensive level has been key to keep the seguidilla of positive results that has added the team in the last days. "We have recovered the defensive solidity that gave us so much the past course. If we leave the goal to zero is much easier to take out the party forward. All these things have done that we go in in a big dynamic and look forward to to follow like this", emphasized.

In this sense, Jules offered a 'X-ray' of the sportive appearances that he considers that they have had a mejoría recent in the FC Barcelona. "I think that we are more concentrated, do more efforts, defend all together beginning from up. In addition to fitting fewer goals create us fewer occasions of goal and this gives confidence to the team. If you do not fit have a lot of opportunities to win the party. I think that we have darse# cuenta that we were not doing the things well, but have spoken and think that the improvement has noticed ", limited.

It is Koundé uncomfortable playing like right side?

To close, the French 'resolved' all the subject related with if it feels or no discomfort seeing action like right side. "I do not have preference, where puts me the míster go to play. My position is central, but lately am playing of side", concluded.

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