Michele Centenaro leaves clear that the ECA does not want to substitute the Champions

They will negotiate with the UEFA

The ECA wants a Champions better, not creating a Superliga European

Published:9/03/2016 - 13:44h

Updated:9/03/2016 - 15:27h

The general secretary of the European Association of Clubs (ECA) affirmed this Tuesday in Barcelona that what his organisation, where participates the Barça beside the best of Europe, is not to substitute the Champions if not to do it better

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In the last weeks and even months, the real possibility of the creation of a new competition to European level that substitute to the current Champions League is something that has been very present. In several meetings of the ECA several heavy weights like Karl Heinz Rummenigge or Andrea Agnelli bet by the creation of a new league to European level and where only were the best clubs of Europe. A new competition that would substitute to the Champions, being independent of the UEFA and looking for greater profits.

But as it affirmed this Tuesday in Barcelona the general secretary of the ECA, Michele Centenaro, "lto ECA does not sponsor any Superliga of Europe, what looks for is an improvement in the current Champions League, but always of the hand of the UEFA that, do not forget, is our main 'partner', with those who work together". Or what is the same, will tighten him the "clavijas" to the maximum estamento to European level so that they improve the things of acara to the 2018.

As it is this date in which clubs and the same UEFA finish his current agreement for the Champions League. It will be then when it have to renegotiate, although already it is doing. It will be necessary to see what arises of the negotiations and if finally ones or others tighten the rope in base to his interests.

Finally, Centenaro explained that the steps given by UEFA and FIFA lately, leaving that the clubs begin to have importance inside both organisations is very important. "The important step that have given in UEFA when going in two members of the Board of the ECA as they are Karl Heinz Rummenigge (president) and Andrea Agnelli like members of the Executive Committee of the UEFA". On the FIFA and the presidency of Gianni Infantino, the general secretary asked "the incorporacion of the clubs in the new organisation chart of the FIFA so that had more weight. It is true that, at least now are presents, like Leagues and union of footballers, but think that would be interesting that could have more weight. I think that with Gianni Infantino the things will go much better".

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