Thomas Tuchel during Real Madrid-Chelsea


Tuchel 'raja' against the referee and accuses Madrid of having a favored treatment

Published:13/04/2022 - 03:09h

Updated:13/04/2022 - 03:09h

Thomas Tuchel 'cargó' contra los árbitros tras la eliminación ante el Real Madrid. El técnico alemán no ocultó su indignación por la actitud complaciente del colegiado Szymon Marciniak al final del encuentro

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Real Madrid completed a new classification in the Champions League with controversy. The 'merengues' traced back in the final stretch of the party to impose 5-4 in the global, in a meeting in which they went down 0-3 to fault of 15 minutes. Thomas Tuchel, trainer of the group 'blue', criticised the performance of the referee's body headed by the Polish Szymon Marciniak, mainly by the goal cancelled to Marcos Alonso.

For Tuchel, what more surprised him was that the referee, that is the leader, did not go to see if it was hand of the Spanish or no. "Marciniak, that is very good, had to see the goal. It is not well leave that a decision like this take it somebody that is seated in a chair and that is not on the terrain of game. It would have to assume his responsibility and check it by himself same", atizó the visibly annoying German.

Besides, it ensured that "we deserved to play more minutes also, but perhaps is to ask a lot", this in regard to the injury time awarded by the main. Besides, Tuchel said to feel frustration in both parties, but mainly in the turn, since the goals of the Madrid arrived "by big errors". "That is the most dangerous situation, when you lose the balloon after recovering it and did it twice", detailed the German.

However, what outraged to Tuchel was the attitude of Marciniak to the term of the party. "It has been disappointing to see that the referee was happening a good while with my colleague Ancelotti. When I have gone him to greet, have seen him to him laughing. I think that it was not that the moment, seemed me of very bad taste", said the trainer of Chelsea, adding that there was "51% of decisones favourable to the Madrid. But already we know that against the Real in Champions always is like this", puntualizó.

Rüdiger Valued the effort of his team

Antonio Rüdiger ensure that, in spite of the defeat, "there is not at all that regret" for the group 'blue'. The central German, author of the 0-2 transitory, manifested that the own errors and the individual quality of the Spanish group were sufficient to lose the eliminatory. Without mebargo, the player of 29 years valued the effort of his team. "There are not a lot of teams that can come here and dominate them as we did it we, but to gone and turn, if you commit the type of errors that committed we, punish you", expressed the defender that culminates agreement in June.

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