El trofeo de la Champions League en Wembley


UEFA defines the new distribution of prizes for its renewed Champions League

Published:9/07/2024 - 10:30h

Updated:9/07/2024 - 10:30h

The Champions League will have a new format starting with the current season and its distribution of prizes will also change. UEFA will now deliver some 2.5 billion euros, and the system for this is already clear

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Already it is a fact that the UEFA Champions League will première new format from the season 2024-2025, happening of 32 to 36 teams and deleting the system of competition by groups, happening now to something more resembled a league with an only classification, as well as the increase of six to eight parties by team in the first phase. But another point that will change in the one of the income for the clubs participants.

Like this it explains it 'Sport', signalling that the UEFA will increase the current distribution in some 500 millions, arriving until the 2.500 'kilos', with an increase of the prizes for participating and by the classification, although with a descent of the bonuses by victory and results. The maximum European organism will perceive 4.400 millions, of which, 3.300 repercutirán in the teams, with the 36 that reach the phase of groups accessing to the 2.500 already mentioned.

The UEFA will try to reward a bit more to the 'big' of the Champions

Everything indicates that the big novelty with regard to the edition of this season is that it will increase the distribution in concept of participation and results, taking into account that up to now, the premium for participating was of 500,5 millions (in global) and from the season 2024-2025 will be of 678,5. That is to say, raisin of the 25 percent to 27,5%. The prizes by results -ties, victories and classifications- happen of 600,6 (in global) to 925,3, what means an increase of the 30 to 37,5%.

The increase of participants will diminish the value of the victories

However, the distribution by 'marketpool' and coefficient goes down of 45% to 35%, meaning a descent of 900,9 to 863,6 millions. Like this, the UEFA plans to reward more the sportive path of each season in concrete. With the prizes by results still for finish to decide, each club will receive three millions more for reaching the phase of groups. Of 15,64 millions will happen to 18,62 by club by what knows like premium of participation, although the victories and the ties in the phase of groups will happen of 2,8 millions and 930.000 euros, respectively, to 2,1 and 700.000 euros.