It subtracted importance to a trip serious in the gone and warned that they would give it everything to trace back in the turn, and the FC Barcelona has given the reason to Ernesto Valverde with a goleada to the Seville in the Camp NouThe Catalans will be in semifinals of the Glass of the King of form deserved, because they knew to react to time in an eliminatory that had put slope up.

And it is that when treating of one of the best teams of Spain, was clear that in the crossing went to command the details, and like this has been to the end. In this line focused the technician his analysis of the duel, increasing a point the requirement to some pupilos of which always expects more: "Always there are moments in which the party decants to your favour or against. In the meeting of gone had an occasion to empty door that do not mark and afterwards the Seville won us in a good second part".

"We have begun the crash of turn with a lot push, have done the 1-0 and Jasper has taken part before the 2-0 -refers to the penalti stopped by Cillessen-. Afterwards we have arrived to the 4-1 and at the end have taken advantage of that the rival has gone very upwards. We could have resolved before", it demanded the Txingurri, aiming to the recital of occasions failed by the Barcelona.

"Our intention is to win all the titles that can, and east us ilusiona a lot"

With regard to the possibility of descartar the less important trophy of the course, the extremeño kept his point of view, remembering that any title is important. "It is truth that sometimes interprets that we renounce to something by a change, but our intention is to win all the titles that can. And east us ilusiona a lot", manifested, before denying that this suppose a greater wear by the accumulation of parties: "I do not think in the wear. You wear you out when you lose. Our aim is to win".

Besides, Valverde underlined that his team is still in growth, and that there is margin of improvement to obtain a better version and approach step by step to all the titles of the season. Still they remain far, but the Barça does not have thought to surrender: "The best is that have the security that we are a team that gives steps forward. The determination that have had has been the key. If we go all together, will achieve a lot of things".

Valverde Only thinks in a rival: Valencia

Questioned on a possible rival in semifinals, Valverde has not wanted to choose to one, and has explained that now only matters him the appointment against the Valency in LaLiga. "It gives me the same the rival in semifinals. The Saturday confront us to Valencia, that played a party with a lot of equal intensity that ours. Sure enough, there is little time to recover, but have to do an eleven to add the three points knowing that next week we will have another party", has reflexionado.

When they have insisted him on the clash between Girona and Real Madrid, the technician has showed equally impartial, valuing to each one and signalling that both have reasons and sufficient arguments to go to by the classification in the stadium of Montilivi: "That it happen the best. The Girona is doing a big season and the Madrid carries a favourable marker".