Joan Laporta, in a press conference


Laporta announces the sale of nominal tickets for international competitions

Published:15/04/2022 - 18:49h

Updated:15/04/2022 - 18:49h

Joan Laporta, president of FC Barcelona, ​​announced the first post-disaster measure of the match against Eintracht Frankfurt. From now on, "the tickets will be nominative in the international competitions that Barça plays at the Camp Nou"

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The FC Barcelona will remember on 14 April 2022 like a sad day in his history. Further of the elimination of the Europe League in front of the Eintracht Frankfurt, the club regrets the embarrassment occurred with the sale of entrances for the party, since near of 30.000 German fans attained ingresar to the Camp Nou, covering of white the grandstands of the temple culé for surprise of players, technical body and the million viewers alrrededor of the world.

Thus, Joan Laporta informed this Friday that, from the next season, the entrances for any international competition that contest the Barça will sell of way nominativa. "We have not wanted to it do never because incomoda and annoying to the partners that have a correct behaviour, normal and current", expressed the mandator, the one who ensured that the club did not sell gone in to the fans of the Eintracht.

This Friday, the club did official the entry by the sale of entrances of the party of the Thursday in front of the Eintracht, a 'money of Judas' that will happen to the history like one of the moments more bochornosos in the hisotria of the club. As the informed by Elena Fort, institutional vice-president of the Barça, the taquilla of the party of quarter-finals of the Europe League left 3 million euros in the arks culés. "It is a money that knows us very bad", expressed Fort to the 'Chain BE'.

The "irregular behaviours" that propiciaron the embarrassment"

In this regard, Laporta cleared that "the club put 34.440 on sale entrances with restrictions, since they could not be bought with German charge cards neither with an IP germana". However, the partners, that have priority in the first 24 available hours, took advantage of to sell them to the German fans that found in the city from the day Wednesday.

Likewise, the president culé indicated that "of the abonos busy, 37.746, also detected an evidence and is that it splits of these abonos were also to hands of German fans". In this sense, partners and credited were the attendants to sell the entrances to the fanatical of the Eintracht those who, in principle, only had 5.000 seats authorised in the Camp Nou. "We happen shame and went a sad day by the result and by what sucedió regarding the assistance of so many Germans to the Estadi. We expect the Monday of Pascua have the maximum number of barcelonistas in front of the Cádiz", puntualizó Laporta.

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