Joan Laporta in the presentation of Kessié


Alliance in the air? Barça deletes the agreement with the new sponsor from its website

Published:16/12/2022 - 14:46h

Updated:16/12/2022 - 14:46h

Barça has removed the news of its new sponsorship agreement with 'WhiteBIT' from its website and its social networks just three days after making it official

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Recently less than 72 hours that the FC Barcelona communicated through his web and social networks the new agreement of sponsorship with the company of criptomonedas 'WhiteBIT', with the purpose to promote the commercial strategy of the club so much inside as out of the terrains of game. The society would be in the category of 'Cryptocurrency Exchange' to gather to the industry cripto and to the professional sport.

However, nowhere they remain traces that the alliance was still in foot until 30 June 2025, date until which was pautado the 'partnership'. To the 09.01 hours of the Tuesday was when the club did official the news with a photography of the president Joan Laporta in company of the CEO Volodymyr Nosov, the one who presented like one of the leaders of 'WhiteBIT'.

In spite of all the formalities, the image disappeared to the few hours by an of the vice-president Juli Guiu and the Wednesday, 24 hours afterwards, no longer appeared the publication in the web neither neither in the Barcelona social networks. It is important to stand out that the platform of active digital assumed a commitment of association so much with the masculine team as with the feminine, the ones of basketball and also handball, hockey and five-a-side football.

There would be conflict of interests

The sponsorship of 'WhiteBIT' is not incompatible with 'La Caixa', sponsor premium of the Barcelona unlike 'Link', a platform of financial services with which negotiated the institution. Everything aims to that the pact between both parts would not be broken but still there are some appearances in review. It will be necessary to see if the club goes back to publish the announcement in the next days or if it will remain in the ostracism.

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