Ronald Araújo, head office of the Barça, in a match


Araújo Showed again his cost in front of the Huesca

Published:4/01/2021 - 19:12h

Updated:4/01/2021 - 19:12h

Ronald Araújo has while being one of the good news in the FC Barcelona, given his youth and his good performances in the central saga of the team

Calendar of FC Barcelona

After showing a quite unsure face in the match in front of the Eibar, in which Ronald Araújo committed an error that cost him to the FC Barcelona a goal by part of his rivals, the central Uruguayan went back in style in front of the Huesca and signed a partidazo. Indisputable headline, given the drop of Gerard Piqué, the young defender has showed that his present is extremely positive, without mattering the sucedido does two days.

The young defender of 21 years showed several of his big defensive qualities in the visit of the Barcelona to the Huesca, giving clear examples of his aggressiveness to the hour to keep to the rivals moved away of his area without arriving to commit an alone fault, his big capacity of recovery of the balloon and his good reading of game, characteristic that carried it to concretise several interventions to his rivals.

Regarding the demonstration that left Araújo on his dowries for the exit with the balloon, the sudamericano also was able to mark with high note in this allocation, given the good quantity of passes that made successfully. To keep this rhythm, the Uruguayan footballer will establish even more in the saga title of the Barcelona and will put the quite difficult things in the future of Gerard Hammered, once the same go back of the injury that has moved it away of the terrains of game from does some weeks.

The numbers of Araújo in front of the Huesca

Further of his defensive solvency, given his aggressiveness and his remarkable presence in the saga of the FC Barcelona, Ronald Araújo left a numerical register that sustenta satisfactorily his good performance in front of the Huesca. On his passes, the charrúa concretised 59 short and six long of successful way, failing four of his deliveries along all the commitment.

In the facet netamente defensive, Araújo finalised the meeting after having made two anticipations, a successful entrance and the very remarkable quantity of 10 recoveries. Included, the Uruguayan was the leader of the team in this last section, giving chair on positioning and mobility to the hour to defend his arch.

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