Arthur Melo is the player chosen by the FC Barcelona to occupy the centre of the field from 2019. To his 21 years, the midfield player of the Guild has dazzled in the Brazilian championship thanks to his talent and to his capacity of control in the medullary. The technical office is convinced that his incorporation is a safe value.

From it did time, the FC Barcelona followed to the player with the intention of ficharle. It does some months that began the negotiations so that all the parts ensured that Arthur would finish dressing of Barcelona. Finally, this Sunday has done official the agreement.

Arthur, anxious for arriving to the Camp Nou

Arthur ensured that it wished to arrive to the Camp Nou. "I am anxious for going to the Barça", declared in the event Fan Day with Arthur. The player, commented that it spoke "daily with my representative and with the people of the Guild. Have a very good relation with all the managerial board, since I carry seven years in the club, there is not a person that do not fall me well and that do not speak with him, have a good and transparent relation".

The Brazilian midfield player undid in gratitudes to the Guild: "I Am appreciated to the Guild. The gratitude is the word that comes me to the mind in this moment. I want to help and reward all what the club gave me. All has arisen here in Guild, playing well and leaving me the blood here. I do not go to change at all, go to be followed doing what did the past year. My head is in the Guild".

It fits in the FC Barcelona

Arthur fulfils the requirements of the profile of player that is looking for the technical office: a young footballer, with projection of future and with sufficient quality to give the jump to the European football of maximum level. At present, the midfield player of the Guild is 21 years old and has stood out in his performances in the recent season.

It treats of a player of a wide technical repertoire to generate game in the medullary. The Brazilian midfield player, according to the reports of the sportive direction, will fit to perfection in the 'style Barça', since it is a mediocentro with criterion and dowries of control in the room of machines. It will be a big reinforcement of face to the 2019.