Marc Gasol during a commitment with the selection of Spain


Attention! The Barça recognises to be "in conversations" with Marc Gasol

Published:9/11/2021 - 17:02h

Updated:9/11/2021 - 17:02h

Juan Carlos Navarro, general director of the section, has not hid that is "in conversations with Marc Gasol so that it avenges to the FC Barcelona"

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Josep Cubells, responsible director of the section of basketball of the FC Barcelona, has advanced this Tuesday that "the new Palau Blaugrana has to be ready in the season 2025-2026 and will have a capacity for 15.000 viewers".

Cubells Has surrendered these statements beside the general director of the section, the ex captain of the Barcelona team Juan Carlos Navarro, and the sportive director Mario Bruno Fernández, in the first meeting with the media from does more than two years because of the pandemia by Covid-19.

There was a big interest around knowing the situation of Marc Gasol with the Barça, by what Juan Carlos Navarro has recognised that is "in conversations with him so that it avenges to the team". "Only they are conversations and there is not any negotiation, although he has not given any refusal. It knows of our interest and has the last word. I will not deny that it would like me have he", has explained.

With regard to the new Palau, Cubells has informed that will have a capacity of 15.000 viewers because the club has "the intention that there it contest some Final Four of the Euroliga and that is the minimum of capacity". "Also we want to have the possibility to mount other events like concerts, conventions, etc. and the capacity would increase to 20.000, with 5.000 viewers in the track", has added.

In so much it arrives the moment, the Barcelona club has approved an investment of one million euros in the current Palau "to change the electronic marker, improve the megaphony and the illumination, the zone of chairs of track and the 'hospitality' in the part attaches of the goal north of the Palau", has required Cubells.

Of face to the commitment of the Euroliga against the Zenith Sant Petersburgo, informed that they exhausted the places of the Palau that put up for sale and in the party of League Endesa in front of the Fuenlabrada sold 2.800 entrances. "It is necessary to take into account that there is 4.000 credited in the Palau, although some 600 do not attend regularly. There is win of basketball and will look to solve this type of situations", aimed the responsible director of the section.

"Signings above the market"

"We have found us with signings made with prices above the market and contain the budget of a season to another is complicated", sentenced Cubells. By his part, Mario Bruno Fernández, sportive director, has indicated that "the signings made this season already have made with prices of market. Even the renewal of Cory Higgins and there are subjects like the ones of Mirotic or Calathes that are negotiating ".

"The signings that the Barça made in his moment above the market what caused is that the clubs shot also the prices of contracting and this is a true problem", has remarked Fernández, the one who also has advanced that, in the next season, in League Endesa could have until five players of training in the record of the party.

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