Marc Vidal in a match with Barça Atlètic


Barça Atlètic defeats Celta and will face Ibiza in the play off of the Primera RFEF (1-2)

Published:25/05/2024 - 21:07h

Updated:25/05/2024 - 21:07h

Barça Atlètic could not regain second place in Group 1 in the Primera RFEF despite winning at Celta Fortuna (1-2). Unai Hernández's goal gave the Barça reserve team the victory, but it was not enough to overtake Nàstic in the table

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Barça Atlètic closed the regular phase of the First RFEF with an agónica victory in Galicia in front of the Celtic Fortuna (1-2). The ones of Rafa Márquez added the three points thanks to a goal of Unai Hernández in the discount that kept to the team in places of classification to the 'playoff' of promotion. However, the victory of the Nàstic home in front of the Ray Majadahonda (1-0) left to the culés in the third place of the Group 1.

The party began of the worst way for the Barcelona subsidiary. Fer López advanced to the venues after a good wall with Alfon in the minute 7 that, after a bad control, finish in an improvised finish that it won the resistance of Marc Vidal. The goal was a hard blow for the ones of Rafa Márquez and the Celtic dominated the first with a rhythm pausado, but lastimando by the sides thanks to the good work of the two leading players in the played of the so much Galician.

Fast reaction of the Barça Atlètic in the complement

After the rest, the Barça recovered the control of the balloon and the tie, luckily, arrived fast. A good wall between Dani Rodríguez and Pau Víctor finish in a golazo of the forward of 22 years, with a shot crossed that finish colándosele by the long stick to the goalkeeper Coke Carrillo. After a chamber of hour of total Barcelona command, the Celtic looked for the reaction with the entry of Lucas by Meixús.

The variant gave oxygen to the Galicians in the centre of the field and, in the 68', Marc Vidal sustained the tie with a double spectacular stop to Fer López and Antañón throwing of reflections. The Barça had a bad time from then and Marc Casadó saw the yellow by a fault on Antañón. Rafa Márquez moved the bench with two offensive changes, sending to Marc Guiu and Brian Fariñas in place of Pau Víctor and Dani Rodríguez.

The venues finish with the mediocentro Dela in the arch after the injury of Coke Carrillo for having exhausted, previously, the five changes. The Barça launched to by the victory in the discount of 12 minutes and Unai Hernández sealed the traced back with a so much in the 90+8. After the so much culé, the Galicians went back to launch to the attack, but there were not more changes in the marker.

A victory with flavour to little for the Barça Atlètic

The triumph leaves to the filial culé third of the Group 1 of the First RFEF with 70 points, keeping the advantage on the Celtic (65). Now, the Barça has to contest the 'playoff' in front of the Ibiza (third of the Group 2) to look for the promotion to a Second Division in which they already are Sportive The Coruña and Castellón like champions of group. At the end, the defeat in front of the Nàstic home the past week (1-2) cost him the second square to the culés in a closing of worrisome tournament with three consecutive days without winning.

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