A first capital part
Busquets capitaneó to the Barça in the best first time
Published:4/02/2016 - 15:00h
Updated:8/03/2016 - 17:14h
It is not casualidad that when the mediocentro of the FC Barcelona Sergio Busquets plays of excellent, the Barcelona group do it like the angels. Something that went back to occur in the gone of Glass in front of Valencia where the ones of Luis Enrique signed his best first time
All that that could witness the first time of the FC Barcelona-Valencia of this Wednesday, can give faith of the authentic partidazo that made the Barcelona during the first 45 minutes. In the first important party of this 2016 where played the pass to the final of the Glass of Rey, the blaugranas were to by all and did not leave neither breathe to the valencianistas in any moment.
After the first so much of Luis Suárez after a jugadón spectacular of Neymar Júnior, arrived the exhibition of the mediocentro of Badia Sergio Busquets. The Catalan adueñó of the centre of the field and directed to the team as it wanted to. Passes of tiralíneas, short, in diagonal, rasos, heights, in long... Assistances of all the colours gave the best defensive pivote of the world.
And it is that "Busi" no only gave quality and passes, also was this anchor in the half that avoids that the team break and gives him stability to his. The canterano multiplied on the field and his took advantage of . It did it Suárez with his doublet in the first time, did it Messi with his so much and also other mates like Aleix Vidal that cuajaron a big meeting in general computations.
The FC Barcelona showed on the terrain of game that is the best team of the world. Up, the three were spectacular. In the half and beside Busquets, Iniesta and Burn Turan lucieron of the best of the ways. In defence Hammered signed one of his best parties together with Mathieu, that seems another. All, absolutely all, were to the height of the circumstances to sign the best first-half of the season and the one who probably have been also the best party of the present course. And Valencia is not the Malmö or the Espanyol.