Andrés Iniesta, during a warming with the FC Barcelona


CONFIRMED: Iniesta and Busquets will not play in front of the Athletic

Published:31/01/2017 - 12:25h

Updated:31/01/2017 - 14:19h

The FC Barcelona will not be able to explain finally with the magic and control of Andrés Iniesta and Sergio Busquets in Vicente Calderón, in the corresponding party to the gone of semifinals of Glass of the King 2016-17. This yes, expects them for the turn

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The past week existed some positivism with the possibility that Sergio Busquets and Andrés Iniesta were smart to contest the gone of semifinals of Glass of the King 2016-17. However, finally any of the two has trained this Tuesday beside the rest of the group, what them descarta definitively for the appointment of Vicente Calderón.

The two basic pieces in the centre of the field of the FC Barcelona follow working in his respective processes of recovery, that already find in the final stage. However, Luis Enrique does not want to risk with his physical state and will not do them play in a party of such physical requirement as they are always the duels in front of the rojiblancos.

We remember that the "8" of the Barça fell lesionado the past 19 January in the gone of quarter-finals of Glass against the Real Sociedad, having to be substituted to the rest by André Gomes. Regarding Busquets,  lesionó after a very hard entrance of Escalante hardly three days later against the SD Eibar, in what it expected that it went an injury of long length (although fortunately it did not go like this).

The options of Luis Enrique for the centre of the field

Now that it has confirmed that any of the two players will be able to arrive to time to contest the meeting of this Wednesday, Luis Enrique will have to go back to throw of alternatives to cover his positions in the field.

In this sense, is possible that use to Mascherano like defensive pivote, whereas for the positions of interior will be able to have Rakitic, André Gomes, Denis Suárez, Burn Turan and Rafinha Alcántara, the one who already is recovered waiting for the high medical. It will be a hándicap more, in definite, for a FC Barcelona that will go back to need fluidity in the game to create problems to the Athletic.

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