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Drama with Iñigo Martínez! The center back is injured again in his expected comeback in the Cup

Published:7/01/2024 - 22:50h

Updated:8/01/2024 - 00:08h

All the alarms went off with Íñigo Martínez, who returned to the playing fields after a month out due to his femoral biceps injury. The defender was injured after just eleven minutes on the field, suggesting that it could be a relapse of his injury

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Bad news for Xavi, Íñigo Martínez goes back to lesionarse in the meeting of dieciseisavos of the Glass of the King in front of the Barbastro, when hardly it carried eleven minutes in the terrain of game. The player of Ondarroa ingresó to the field in the minute 64 and went out substituted by Sergi Roberto in the minute 75 because of muscular annoyances.

Everything indicates to a possible relapse of his muscular injury in the biceps femoral right, occurred during the previous training to the party against the Athletic of Madrid the past 3 December. It will be necessary to await to the medical part to obtain details on the injury and determine if it treats of a relapse or if it has affected a new muscular zone. Hard hit for Xavi Hernández, to the cual has not lasted him a lot the joy to recover to one of his head offices.

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