Ernesto Valverde poses beside the shield of the FC Barcelona


"Ernesto Valverde will be the best signing of the FC Barcelona"

Published:15/11/2017 - 12:45h

Updated:15/11/2017 - 12:45h

Asier Garitano will cross with the FC Barcelona very soon, and has clear which are the keys of his mejoría in what it goes of course. The trainer of the Leganés stands out the work of Ernesto Valverde, and does not understand the doubts that caused his arrival

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It generated some doubts to his arrival to the Camp Nou, but some months afterwards, Ernesto Valverde has showed that the challenge to train to the FC Barcelona does not come him big. Even being under construction, his team has showed relentless and sails sure in all the competitions, something that has not happened unobserved for his mates and rival.

The Leganés will cross with the Catalans next Saturday, and in his bench will seat an enthusiastic admirer of the Txingurri. It treats of Asier Garitano, that coincided with him in the Athletic although they did not arrive to board relation. However, the preparador 'pepinero' has it clear: "To me it likes me much more the Barça, before was more predictable. You knew what went to do… The thing is that they did it to an incredible speed. Now, with Valverde, do you think more. Ernesto is able to play of different forms, using different spaces, creating different parties. And at the end, the result always is the same: it wins to all. It will be the best signing of the Barça, sure".

"I think that they asked him if it did not come him big the Barça and that if it went him to escape the team. How they called him? The Tata Valverde or do not know what… The same that the same it did him this question, now will praise him by his normality. Sure that the only that has not changed in all this time has been he, Valverde. Those that will change will be the ones of around in function of if it wins or loses", continues the technician.

"He defends only, hardly is necessary to see as they play his teams. It is qualified to train to any one", insists Garitano, precisely the trainer of a Leganés that has turned into a disclosure in LaLiga by his good start of season.

Important victory

Although all the triumphs are important, the three points that the Barça aspires to achieve in Butarque can be decisive, although it will not be easy to snatch them to a group that has done strong home to situate near of the European places and advance a lot his aim to attain the permanence.

The Leganés will be a proof complicated for the men of Ernesto Valverde, that have in front of himself a greater challenge of the normal: If they win to domicile will put more pressure to two of his perseguidores, Madrid and Athletic, that will cross in Wanda Metropolitan in a derbi that can leave to one of the aspiring maxima to the title even more descabalgado. And already they go eight points.