What knows  of the silent arrival of Gasol to Barcelona


Gasol Is one more and already expect with anxieties his return to the tabloncillos

Published:30/03/2021 - 22:15h

Updated:31/03/2021 - 00:16h

Pau Gasol trains with total normality and is leaving good feelings, doing that his return was only question of time in the club, that splits to one turns complicated

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The incorporation of Pau Gasol to the Barcelona was a big news of face to the future of the club, no for being a signing of a lot of years but by the aggregated value in subjects of leadership, presence and fortress in the tabloncillo, in addition to the recovery of one of the best Spanish sportsmen of the history.

Since it arrived it adapted perfectly to each one of the activities in the lapses that expected , with special care of his foot, that is low treatment and medical supervision in the club of constant way, so that it can attain the aim to contest the olympic games with Spain.

At present, it is under the same work of his mates and so much the physical requirement like the high performance already appear in the daily diary of Pau in the trainings, giving the best feelings to the technical body and to the own player, that sees with illusion his return to hurt it, expecting that it can be prompt.

Maccabi, Fenerbahce and Inherits Saint Pablo are the next rival that will have the Barcelona and in which it expected see to Gasol of turn, but the haste of the dates and the calm that carry with the player, caused that this week of duels out of house went taken advantage of by the player to remain in the installations and fulfil with the terms traced.

In case to join to the expedition, would be so surprising like unexpected, since anybody has pautada this possibility, although of the same forms no descarta that until by some subject anímico and of support to the players can be with the staff, in addition to the illusion to see it return before the planned.

Calm and wisdom

The season is near to begin his stronger moment and of maximum requirement, in which the contribution of Gasol would be vital and of big value for the staff, expecting that it was a piece of daily use and can bear the physical load that does time that his body does not have with the same frequency.

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