The Catalan defender of the FC Barcelona, Gerard Hammered, finds at present recovering of his annoyances in the knee after the hard entrance that received of part of Gerard Moreno, and foresees that it continue like this during some days and lose two or three of the next commitments that has by in front the FC Barcelona in all the competitions.

Further of the meetings that will lose owing to the injury, is not foreseen that it receive a supposed sanction of part of the Committee of Competition, that as it ensures the newspaper 'Sport' finally will not go in of job to value the celebration of the just Barcelona player after marking the goal of the past Sunday against the 'pericos' in Cornellá.

And it is that the organism futbolístico Spanish would think that, if it had to go in to value the celebration of Gerard Hammered by silenciar to the public, would have also that analyse a big quantity of celebrations that have gone producing along the last times, and that after all form part also of this sport.

The 'finger' of Mourinho, the last case

It fits to remember besides that the last time that it went in of job was with the previous president, Alfredo Flórez, when José Mourinho put the finger in the eye to Tito Vilanova. Only if the Espanyol went back to report in front of the Commission putting in copy to Competition, could open an extraordinary file that in this case if it could resolve with a sanction to Hammered, although to day of today seems little likely.

Another thing is the assessment of the statements of Gerard Hammered in the mixed zone, when it defended of the criticisms by his celebration and alluded to the constant insults received by him and by his family of part of a wide sector of the fans 'perica' in Cornellá.