The trainer of the Bayern Munich and living myth of the FC Barcelona, Pep Guardiola, has carried out a beautiful homage to Johan Cruyff with his words during an interview conceded to "The Món" of RAC1. For the one of Santpedor, the Dutch always was "a teacher and a revolutionary"; in definite, a man advanced to his period. "With the death of Cruyff lose a figure to which no longer will be able to go to see when we need it, to the that will not have near in moments of doubt. Instead, it remains us the luck to have it enjoyed toall s, has left us a lot of things to all, each one to our level and this only is possible when somebody gives you something", ensures.

While elogiaba to Johan Cruyff, Guardiola also praised to Leo Messi. "In front of a game so indescifrable like east, gave us the tools as to dominate it, thing that is impossible unless you call you Messi. I was a player with talent to play, but did not understand for nothing this game. Us abrío a world fascinante, a film that internalise. Yesterday it spoke with my children that did not know to Cruyff treating to explain them what was and only occurred me compare it to this professor of any matter that likes you. This teacher in front of which only expect to go to his class because that helps you to want this subject. It was a type that said you all the contrary that had listened all the life. Always they said you that you lost because you did not run and it arrives he a day and says you that you lose because you run too much", signals.

The one of Santpedor has remembered some anecdotes of when it was trained by Johan Cruyff. "A day arrived the Valency of Penev, that came like a shot, and in the talk in the hotel said us that we went to play with three defences, Eusebio and Witschge of sides and we thought that it had gone back crazy... And we win 3-0 doing a partidazo".

Guardiola Gives thank you for having been able to be taught by Johan Cruyff. "It has been a privilege be able to enjoy it by his generosity to share knowledge. It has given us even a grammar to understand the game. The Barça is more than Johan, obviously, but the was the revolution that taught us how do the things. It arrived and it said: we go it to do like this. This has a merit tremendo and is dificilísimo. It is necessary to have an immense faith to convince to the people. It is not casualidad that have given origin to so many trainers, because it helped us to understand this game".

In this sense, for him always will be a referent. "I think a lot in what it would do Johan, in front of the Juventus thought it when had the rope to the neck. Always it was special in his point of view was instintivo and guided you so that you followed your instinct. I think many times what would do he? In front of situations complicated, and this reconforta".