After empatar in Wanda Metropolitan and waiting for a week that avecina bustled with two parties and several trainings, the players of the first staff of the FC Barcelona have had this Sunday rest. And varied have taken advantage of it to be with his more gathered.

I hammered and Shakira at last have gone up a together image to his account of Instagram. The image, that seems gone out of a fotograma of the film 'Eyes Wide Shut', has gone up it the player of the FC Barcelona with one only sentence: "Mask shopping" (that is to say, buying masks). 

This Sunday, Leo Messi also has shared several photographies of his free day in family and his woman has desvelado that are expecting his third son in a date that coincides with the day of the mother in Argentina.

A crack

Through the social networks, the defence of the FC Barcelona has shared a photo with his followers where shows his elections: the mask of Shakira is elegant, fine, and remembers to the famous Carnival of Venecia; by his part, Hammered has decanted by a careta that so much can him serve for carnivals as for Halloween.

The central has chosen to the "Doctor of the Plague", typical in the Half Age when the black plague finish with so many lives in the European continent. The beak of the mask avoided that the doctor approached to the patient and infected through the breath of the infected.