Gerard Hammered is a person that never short and never wants to remain quiet. It concerns him the actuality of the society in which it lives and does not have fear to say what thinks. The Barcelona head office has heaved the voice this Thursday in Twitter asking to the people that go out to the street to manifest peacefully ensuring 'votarem', in reference to the doubt that there is if it will be able to vote on 1 October.

The tweet is very important because they remain hardly four days so that they produce the votes -a priori-. I hammered it has positioned and the message has done viral quickly. A lot of people has applauded him by his atrevimiento and also are many those that have begun to criticise him. 

As always, there are a lot of internauts that already ask him to Hammered that it do not go back never never to the Spanish selection, something that will occur, if there is not surprise, after the World-wide of Russia 2018. That will be his last international commitment of the central culé, tired already of all the criticisms that receives. 

I hammered it goes back to give his opinion freely in a social network that is used to to use with a lot of touch and always to generate impact. An intelligent type with character and personality. A no official captain of the Barcelona, representative of luxury of the club.

The Barça-The Palms does not run danger

Although sometime it had especulado about the possibility that did not play the Barcelona-The Palms of this Sunday by fault of effective of security, the Barcelona club has ensured that there will be any problem and will not produce any affectation in the calendar of the League.