Joan Laporta en una imagen de archivo


Joan Laporta accompanies Barça Atlètic in their victory against Cornellà (0-2)

Published:26/11/2023 - 18:39h

Updated:26/11/2023 - 18:39h

The Barça Atlètic has gone back to strike strong after the trip of the last day. The goals of Moha and Pau Víctor have cost so that the Barcelona continue on its way to try rise

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Barça Atlètic has gone back to impose to continue on its way to the promotion. They have remained with 26 units in the classification and with the firm intention to struggle by scalar positions after the 'hit' received by the Cultural Leonese. The goals of Moha and Pau Víctor, that follows 'on fire', have been sufficient so that the ones of Rafa Márquez remain in the fourth square of the group 1 of the First RFEF, with the same points that the Celtic B.

Rafa Márquez posed a very offensive party in front of the Cornellà and, although they finished suffering in the contragolpes, knew to contain to his rival and carry a victory that can be important. After a first very balanced part, a penalti converted by Moha, the one who went captain in front of the absence of Marc Casadó, marked the difference. The midfield player deceived to Meykher, guardameta rival. Since, the superiority culé was more evident.

The Barça Atlètic follows 'enchufado'

Pau Víctor was the attendant to sentence the victory and confirm that it is in a version imparable and that is being key for the Barcelona subsidiary. The Cornellà was supported by life on the field, but when it appeared the footballer changed the history: it did with the spherical after a theft to Kike Rivers, combined with with Cuéllar and finished taking out a powerful shot to sign the ninth goal of the season, in 14 clashes.

The Barça Atlètic has gone back to give a hit on the table, with the attentive look of Joan Laporta that, in front of the suspension of the split homage to Johan Cruyff, was present in the party to support to his in the Municipal stadium of Palamós. It has been accompanied by Jordi Casals and the director of the Football Formatiu, José Ramon Alexanco. After the party, went down to the changing room of the Barcelona to congratulate them by the victory.

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