Konrad de la Fuente in a party with the filial


Konrad de la Fuente and a difficult decision to take for his future

Published:29/04/2021 - 16:35h

Updated:29/04/2021 - 16:35h

Konrad wants to follow progressing and the actuality of the Barcelona so much in the first staff as in the team B do not invite to think in a space for him

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Champions (Ferencváros And Dinamo Kiev) and Glass of Rey (Cornellá) are the competitions that could have to Konrad de la Fuente in the field like player of the first team of the FC Barcelona, in spite of the 22 announcements that has received of Koeman. The Dutch technician seems not being convinced of the canterano in spite of the big opportunities that has given this season.

The example of Araújo, Mingueza and Ansu Fati serve of example for the boys of The Farm that know that in Koeman have to a technician that prefers to give him space to the products of house, in addition to the youngsters like Pedri, more than titling in the dynamics of the greater staff of the team beside Messi and company.

But for the American the things have not gone out of the all very and with a year more than agreement, begins to visualise the exit to another club for this summer, this yes, with previous negotiation in which it can effect the extension of the two optional years so that it go out yielded and not losing his index card.

Although it is a value of immense size in the inferior, Konrad knows that it is for things bigger and would not see with bad eyes a pasantía far of the FC Barcelona, in search of the minutes in the elite that allow him follow with his progression and like this can return with arguments to litigate a place in the first team.

His position of extreme is very valuable for the staff B but to the not having clear the promotion of category and see like Koeman is near of a doublet playing with a diagram in which his position little or at all would contribute, a year was seems the best option and in the last of the cases, desvincularse of the club, that is the option that any of the parts wants by the moment.

History without final

This type of situations are very common in the Barcelona in the last years, that except that big litter of Messi, Hammered and Busquets, has seen like a lot of players go out in search of opportunities and finish with the luck divided, having like cool cases the nuances between players like Nolito and Fábregas.

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