Joan Laporta, en un acto del FC Barcelona


Laporta defends Barça's ownership model and makes it clear that the double is possible

Published:24/02/2024 - 08:15h

Updated:24/02/2024 - 08:15h

Joan Laporta spoke at a supporters' club event to ask for unity among Barcelona fans. The president of Barça made it clear that the team is not going to fail the fans and that they will fight with everything they have to win the League and Champions League

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Joan Laporta was this Friday in the afternoon in Olot to chair the celebration of the 50 years of the Penya Barcelonista d'Olot and Region. The president of the FC Barcelona spoke with all the peñistas, some 200, and referred , between other things, to the model of property of the club. In spite of all what is speaking on the possibility that the Barça become an entity multipropiedad, the mandator barcelonista left clear that the club is of the partners and with him this will not change.

"The Barça only has us to us, to the barcelonistas. Our strength awards it to us our identity, our history and our model of property, a model asociativo that will defend always the board that have the honour to chair. We will be garantes that the club was always in hands of the partners and partners of the Barça", ensured 'Jan', that at the same time also commanded a clear message of unit to try go to by LaLiga and the Champions League.

"It is necessary to be more near that never of our teams, our technicians and players and players. If the players see that you do not surrender never, they neither will do it. Here it is necessary to struggle to the end, it forms part of our competitive essence. It is necessary to be beside our players and our trainer. We do not launch the towel, will struggle by the League and by the Champions. Everything is possible", stood out the Catalan.

Laporta Showed his confidence in Xavi

Finally, the president of the FC Barcelona wanted to throw him a hand to Xavi Hernández, that will leave the club this summer. It comments that if the Barcelona are deleted in eighth of Champions against the Naples, the directive barcelonista could opt for sacking him ahead of time. However, the maximum leader culé does not seem by the work to dispense of the technician. "Xavi is a culé of stone hammered that will struggle to the end. I give him the maximum support", fiinalizó.

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