Joan Laporta Xavi2


Laporta reveals who decided that Xavi should continue until the end of the season

Published:28/01/2024 - 15:25h

Updated:28/01/2024 - 19:49h

FC Barcelona as an institution is going through one of the most complex stages in this campaign, given recent events both in the sporting and non-sporting spheres. Given this situation, Joan Laporta has made statements to address several issues concerning current culé

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Joan Laporta, president of the FC Barcelona, has taken advantage of the official means of the club culé to leave clear his opinion on one of the subjects that has agitated the City Condal from yesterday: the announcement of Xavi Hernández on the end of his cycle in the Barcelona cast the next 30 June. "Xavi communicated me that it went to final of season and that it wanted to finish it. I accept it because it is Xavi the one who proposes it to me", limited.

Likewise, in this same line, the maximum representative of the institution blaugrana detailed the reasons that carried it to accept the proposal of the egarense to follow after the reins of the Catalan picture until the term of the campaign. "Xavi is a legend of the barcelonismo, is honest, acts with dignity and wants to to the Barça. Therefore I can accept it because the commitment will be the maximum", underlined.

The 'new' objective of the club for what remains of season

Joan Laporta also conversed on which, in his opinion, will be the aims of the club for what subtracts of this period 23/24, considering that the team lost the Supercopa of Spain and the Glass of Rey, and has to trace back a wide distance of points in LaLiga."The League is difficult, but is not lost, obviously. No descartamos win it, although we have to finish the best possible. It is necessary to put all what have to try win the Champions. Have the eliminatory with the Naples and go step by step, with optimism more character, without losing the concentration and with the trainer giving it everything. I know that with the players, in full commitment, will be able to attain any of the aims that mark us", signalled.

The union of the barcelonismo and the importance of the support of the fans

In a moment so complicated for the culés like the current, the maximum representative of the FC Barcelona has asked the union of the barcelonismo to be able to surpass this evident crisis. "This situation is not pleasant for anybody, but requires the moment of maximum union ofall . The club is under control in the institutional appearance, economic and social, in the sportive is truth that this season are not going out the things as we schedule them. We came to win a big League and the Supercopa and with a staff improved had some better expectations that are not fulfilling. But this situation have to trace it back", aimed.

Laporta Was emphatic in appreciating the support of the fans and asked that, in spite of the complex moment that crosses the Barcelona picture, do not cease in the support and that keep to the end of the season. "I want to give a message to the culés. Think that this season was complicated, already knew it. We have gone to Montjuïc and to final of year will go back to the Camp Nou if there is not any imponderable. In principle, it goes all as the scheduled. I want to appreciate the commitment with the club and with the team. The fans answers", aseveró.

Finally, the Barcelona president elogió also the reaction of the public in spite of the defeat in front of the Villarreal CF and urged to keep this positive attitude in the next duel of the Barcelonan square, that will be in front of Osasuna next Wednesday (31/01). "Had the second better entrance of all the season in front of the Villarreal, encouraging to the team in moments of maximum difficulty. I ask them that they go back to be in front of Osasuna, because this team and the club deserve it to him. The fans shows each party that wants to the Barça and ask you that you follow encouraging to the team. We know of the difficulty, but the players need of your support. I ask you that you go back in front of Osasuna because with your support this team can revertir the situation. I want to appreciate all the support this season because they show the culés that are the best fans of the world", concluded.

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